Computers unit is one of the most important scientific units in our hospital because most of the medical jobs are organized and processing by this unit and the following are the main jobs of computers unit and internet.
Computer Unit :
- Video recording and production of medical movie.
- Organization of medical conference in the hospital.
- Repairing of the computers in the hospital.
- Documentation of medical information of the patients by performing case sheets.
- Organization of scientific courses in the computers.
- Documentation of statistical data for the patients.
- Publishing of the gastrointestinal journals .
- Preparation for connecting the different compartment of hospital by electronic web.
- Observation of the conference rooms and preparation for meetings.
- Administration of internal web of the hospital.
- Performing of the medical identify cart of medical staff.
Internet :
- Observation of the internet service in the hospital.
- Repairing and maintenance of any defect in the internet service.
- Preparation of new system for observation and administration of internet unit.
- Achieving of doctors requirement including , thesis, CD room and scanners.