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Endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP):

More than 2000 examination per year is done in this unit. Both diagnostic and therapeutic measures are done.

Diagnostic measures include:

  1. Cholongiography looking for biliary stones or other cause of obstructive jaundice.
  2. Pancreatography looking for suspected chronic pancreatitis , pancreatic duct stones or pancreatic tumors.
  3. Localization of ampulla of vater looking for ampullary tumors.

Theraputic measures include:

  1. Localization and extraction of biliary stone via spherectomy and balloon or basket extraction of stones.
  2. Releiving the biliary obstruction by inserting a stent(plast or metallic) through the obstruction or insertion of rasobiliary tube as temporarly measures.
  3. Doing sphenectrotomy to decrease the pressure in common bile duct in the ease of biliary fistula.

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