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IJGE Issue:1 Vol:4 2010
Page Subject
01 Aclinico-Pathological study of Gastric polypi in Iraqi patients
12 Distal colorectal polyp as a predictive sign of proximal polyp
19 The Role Of The Site Of Liver Hydatid Cyst(s) On Intra-biliary Rupture Of Liver Hydatid Cysts
31 Raberprazole versus Omeprazole in the protection of the gastric mucosa against NSAID induced gastric mucosal injury in rats
39 Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
47 Post-Operative Acute Abdomen Managed by Re-Interventional Laparotomy
58 Anticardiolipine syndrome with immune hepatitis
63 Endoscopic Sphincterotomy In Patient With Situs Inversus
66 An Unusual Case Of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
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