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Iraqi Society of Gastroenterology and HepatologyIraqi Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology The Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital
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About The Society :

The Iraqi society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Our society was established in 1992 and the members (300) are physicians, surgeons, public health specialists, pediatric physicians, pathologist, radiologist and oncologist interested in gastrointestinal and liver diseases and all other the specialties of interest.

Society by Law
Arabic - English

The Aims Of The Society :

  1. Upgrade all aspects of gastroenterology and hepatology from the preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.
  2. Upgrading the training in all aspects of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
  3. Upgrading GIT and liver services all over the country including putting guidelines and standards for work.

Accomplishment Of The Society :
  1. Established the gastroenterology and hepatology teaching hospital in the ministry of health 1995 (100 beds) with 12operative theaters (4 surgical theaters, 4 therapeutic endoscopy theaters, 4 ordinary endoscopy theaters).
  2. The society issued the Iraqi journal of gastroenterology and hepatology in English since 2001.
  3. The society established the post graduate study in gastroenterology and hepatology in collaboration with the ministry of higher education (the Iraqi commission for medical specialization ), 13 doctors graduated till now.
  4. The society made links with the national, Arab, international GIT and liver associations and societies.
  5. The society made combined research with the colleges of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, and science.
Society by Law Arabic - Society by Law English
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