Training :
- Training-Chun young University Hospital/ Korea from 1/3/2003 to 28/4/2003
- 12 Syrian Society of Gastroenterology Congress/Syria 21-23/4/2004
- Invitation for Specific Training EUS/ Germany from 31/July/2004 to 30/Sep./2004.
- 12th United European Gastroenterology Week 2004 (UEGW)/ Prague, Czech republic from 25-29 September 2004.
- Conference of prevention & early detection of the cancer /Amman-Jordan 25-27/Nov./2004
- 4th Iranian GI Congress-(Colo-Rectal Cancer Workshop) / Tehran 5-7/Dec./2004.
- Cairo Workshop / Egypt 11-13/Dec./2004
- Worshop and Training for a week with Dr.Fayez Sandoik / Syria 8/7/2004
- International Training program of Pediatric Gastroenterology/ Egypt -Mansoura University 8-13/Mar./2005.
- 40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of the liver Paris/France 13-17/April/2005
- ESGE Training Grant / April 4th to May 30th /2005
- Workshop about Olympus Endoscopies and training with Dr.Fayez Sandoik /Syria 10-18/5/2005
- Word Congress of Gastroenterology / Canada 11-16/9/2005
- Turkey
- Jordanian Conference of Gastroenterology /Jordan 2005
- 5th Int. Congress of the African -Middle East Association of Gastroenterology /Emartat - Sharja 23-26/2/2006
- Workshops and Training with Dr.Fayez Sandoik /Syria 4 - 9/3/2006
- 1st Iraqi Symposium on Novoseven /Dubai March-14th-2006
- The Syrian Digestive Disease week 18-22/April/2006
- The 6th Pan Arab Congress of Gastroenterology and the 5th Congress of the Lebanese Society of Gastroenterology /Lebonan 7-10/6/2006
- Second Scientific Day of JAGENA / Jordan 1st of September-2006
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